Course description
Automated object recognition -- and more generally scene analysis -- from photographs and videos is the grand challenge of computer vision. This course presents the image, object, and scene models, as well as the methods and algorithms, used today to address this challenge.
There will be three programming assignments representing 50% (10% + 20% + 20%) of the grade. The supporting materials for the programming assignments and final projects will be in Python and make use of Jupyter notebooks. For additional technical instructions on the assignments please follow this link.
Final project
The final project will represent 50% of the grade.
Collaboration policy
You can discuss the assignments and final projects with other students in the class. Discussions are encouraged and are an essential component of the academic environment. However, each student has to work out their assignment alone (including any coding, experiments or derivations) and submit their own report. For the final project, you may work alone or in a group of maximum of 2 people. If working in a group, we expect a more substantial project, and an equal contribution from each student in the group. The final project report needs to explicitly specify the contribution of each student. Both students are expected to present the project at the oral presentation and contribute equally to writing the report. The assignments and final projects will be checked to contain original material. Any uncredited reuse of material (text, code, results) will be considered as plagiarism and will result in zero points for the assignment / final project. If a plagiarism is detected, the student will be reported to MVA.
Computer vision and machine learning talks
You are welcome to attend seminars in the Imagine and Willow research groups. Please see the seminar schedules for Imagine and Willow. Typically, these are one hour research talks given by visiting speakers. Imagine talks are at Ecole des Ponts. Willow talks are at Inria, 48 Rue Barrault, 75013 (when you enter the building, tell the receptionist you are going for a seminar).
During any point in time, during or after the semester, do not hesitate to fill this form to provide anonymous feedback about the class.